I love the desert. I love to feel the heat soak into my bones like a lizard laying on a sunbathed rock in 100 degree weather. I love getting into a hot car after having been inside a place where the A/C is ridiculously overcompensating for the outside weather. I love the distinct mountains bordering all sides of Tucson letting the directionally challenged know which way we're headed, and yet still feeling as though you can see endlessly in any direction. I love the unique beauty of life struggling to grow and adapt in a dry land that seems destined for death. I love that cactus viciously defends the life inside that has managed to persevere. The desert is a part of who I am, and the place I feel most at home.

A rare silence

It is a rare occasion that Elliot is not playing in the same room where I am. If I move to another room, he picks up his toys and follows me and begins playing in that room. It is an even rarer occasion that when he is playing in another room from where I'm at, he's not making enough noise for me to know what he's doing. So when those rare moments of dead silence come, I am instantly aware that my son must be doing something he is not supposed to be doing. These are the moments when i find such things as him sitting on the floor with my wallet and every last item that was in it is strewn in a nice circle around him.
But recently he's found a silent activity that I LOVE to find him doing.
Reading to himself in the rocking chair in his room. This is just plain adorable.


Joel said...

WOW. Impressive.

Lindsay said...

Hmmm...Brody's got all the destructive habits down, why hasn't he picked up the productive ones?

Anonymous said...

I (being the dad) must say I’m especially proud of Elliot’s near superman ability to read upside down

Nia Greene said...

awww! this is precious.

Guapo Papo said...

That doesn't look like the Systematic Theology book I gave him for Christmas. No wonder he was silent and not verbally exploding with new insights of wonder. How do you expect for him to be able to have productive interjection on my theological blog if he continues to read foo foo books? It is no wonder all he did was poop and sleep the last time I engaged him in insightful conversation!

Janice said...

absolutely adorable!

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